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Here you will find press releases with current information for journalists only. This content is not intended for recipients outside the industry. We would also be happy to give you an interview or provide you with further information. We can also provide journalists with test access to our software - an email request is sufficient.

PRESS RELEASE: Think in terms of advantages and sell more easily

Many representatives of SMEs have difficulty summarizing the advantages and unique selling points of their offerings. Worse still, they often confuse advantages with features, services or competencies. With this approach, they miss out on a lot of sales potential and unnecessarily present themselves as interchangeable. We show how companies can use advantages to present themselves more positively, generate more interest and thus sell more easily.

Full press release and associated files for download:

Portrait of Urs Langmeier

Contact for the press:

Langmeier Software GmbH
Urs Langmeier

Churerstrasse 47

8808 Pfäffikon SZ

Phone: +41 43 500 06 06

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